This data privacy policy states Trans-Island Limousine Service Limited and Chinalink Bus Company Limited(“Trans-Island Chinalink”)’s position and practice relating to the collection and handling of personal data. Trans-Island Chinalink is committed to protecting the privacy of personal data of its customers. Trans-Island Chinalink will collect personal data from customers in the course of its business operations whenever circumstances so required and warrant. Trans-Island Chinalink will ensure that the collection of data will be conducted and the data collected will be used in due accordance and in full compliance with all applicable laws regulations and/or codes of practices in Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions.

Collection of Personal Data
To ensure and enable Trans-Island Chinalink to provide quality and satisfactory services to customers, Trans-Island Chinalink may have to collect customers' personal data under various situations.

Trans-Island Chinalink will ensure that customers will be clearly informed of the purpose(s) of collection and  usage. Customers will be reminded in clear terms that they have the right to decline such collection of personal data and the corresponding implications, if any. Trans-Island Chinalink may be unable to follow up and/or provide customers with the requested services under certain circumstances if customers fail to provide the required information.

Where customers use Trans-Island Chinalink 's website as a link to other websites, customers are reminded that once the link is established customers are no longer with Trans-Island Chinalink's website. Trans-Island Chinalink has no control over these other websites and therefore Trans-Island Chinalink hereby expressly disclaims all liability for adverse consequences that may arise where customers should disclose their personal data to these websites.

Accuracy and Retention
Although Trans-Island Chinalink will use its best endeavour to check, in so far as circumstances allow, that all data collected are accurate; customers should ensure and should provide Trans-Island Chinalink with data that are true, update, accurate and complete regard being had to the purpose(s) for which the personal data are collected.

Trans-Island Chinalink will not retain customers' personal data for  period longer than that where Trans-Island Chinalink will require such data for use.


Use of Personal Data

The personal data collected may be used for the following purposes or any purposes directly related to them:

· verifying the identity of customers in connection with any of the services or goods that may be supplied to customers;

·  reservation and/or use Trans-Island Chinalink 's coach services by customers;

·  following-up with customers regarding suggestions/enquiries/complaints;

·   promoting, marketing and advertising of any goods and/or services to customers by Trans-Island Chinalink;

·  business planning and improving goods and/or services for supply to customers by Trans-Island Chinalink ;

·  processing of any benefits in connection with the supply of goods and services to customers;

·   analyzing, verifying and/or checking of customers' credit, payment and/or status in relation to supply of goods and services of Trans-Island Chinalink to customers;

·  processing of any payment instructions, direct debit facilities and/or credit facilities in relation to supply of goods and services of Trans-Island Chinalink to customers or requested by customers;

·  enabling Trans-Island Chinalink to comply with any obligations to interconnect, with other industry practices, or with obligations to third parties or government agencies in relation to the supply of goods and services of Trans-Island Chinalink to customers;

·    prevention or detection of crime;

·    disclosure as permitted or required by law; and

·    any other purposes as may be agreed to between customers and Trans-Island Chinalink, including the purposes set out in any application or terms and conditions for the supply of specific goods and services from time to time.

Data Security

Trans-Island Chinalink will take reasonable steps and measures to protect the personal data of customers against unauthorized access, processing or erasure. Access to the personal data collected without appropriate authorization are strictly prohibited.  Authorizations are granted only on a "need to know" basis that is commensurate with the staff's responsibilities and their training.


Transfer of Personal Data
Personal data collected may be transferred under anyone or more than one of the following circumstances:
(a). Where Trans-Island Chinalink is acting in compliance of law, a court order and/or as requested by law enforcement agencies.
(b).  Where the transfer is rendered necessary for purpose of processing payment where customers paid for Trans-Island Chinalink 's services by the use of credit card or other online method.

Access and Correction of Personal Data

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the Laws of Hong Kong, customers who provided Trans-Island Chinalink with their personal data are entitled to check with Trans-Island Chinalink as to whether their personal data had been held and request access to such data. Trans-Island Chinalink reserves the right to verify the identity of the customers requesting access and may refuse the request if the identity of the customer is in issue. Trans-Island Chinalink will handle any such access requests promptly and a reply will be given in not more than 40 days counting from the date of receipt of the request.

Except as provided in the next paragraph and subject to Trans-Island Chinalink's revision at any time and from time to time without prior notice, an administration fee will be charged for each data access request.

The charges stated in the previous paragraph shall not apply, however, where customers either request access to their personal data or for correction of the same relating to personal data provided for membership application in which case customers can simply visit the following website - to check the required information and perform on spot correction themselves.